Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lets Hope that we can finally get this done!!

The groups that have been on the front lines in the battle to repeal DADT have weighed in on the new strategy. This is a good signal. Repealing DADT directly affects the lives of the men and women represented by SU and SLDN.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Many of you know how I feel about DADT. I have been asked by some why I feel the way I do. I will write about that later today.

This is a good article on where things are now with repeal of DADT.

(click the title for article)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I think the reporter makes a very good point near the end of this interview. The fact that at least 4 people say the same thing about what this "man of god" did to them is very telling. The reporter also says for the first time he himself was a victim of the same kind of thing.

And apparently the minister was going to address the allegations in Church...this is what he had to say about it...

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When will people stop thinking that just because someone may have done a few good things for the community or is someone people look up to and trust that they can not do the types of things this man is accused of. Take a look at the photos this minister sent to these young men. I am glad these men finally came forward.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gay Marriage.....

More great information from the folks at Fivethirtyeight.
Right now, it's possible to marry your same-sex partner in Buenos Aires, in Mexico City, in Ames, Iowa, and in Pretoria, South Africa, but not in San Francisco. With countries like Argentina and Portugal now recognizing same-sex marriages, however, the global trajectory has returned to its slow-but-steady upward pace.

I have posted about this guy before. This guy has served his Country with distinction for years. He should be given a medal and a big thank you. Not be kicked out because he is gay! The American tax paying public should be outraged over this.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Will the Gov or anyone else Listen?

This week candidate Audrey Britton (Minnesota House 43A) Sent a letter to the Governor. The state of MN is facing very serious budget problems and someone needs to be talking about a solution now.

Britton writes to Governor requesting mandated budget submittal
July 9, 2010

Governor Tim Pawlenty
Office of the Governor 130 State Capitol
St. Paul, MN 55155

Dear Governor Pawlenty,

According to Chapter 5 of HF 886 that you signed into law March 2, 2009, you are required to submit a balanced budget for 2010 and 2011, and to provide for a balanced general fund budget in fiscal years 2012 and 2013. My understanding is that the budget, due Jan. 28, 2010, left a structural deficit of $2.5 billion. The session ended with a $3 billion deficit and a $5-7 billion deficit is forecasted by November.

It now appears that the state may not be able to meet its financial obligations without short-term borrowing. This is a fiscal crisis for our state, a concern that rises above partisanship and concerns for political careers.

Since launching my campaign in May 2010, I have knocked on 2000 doors and have heard from hundreds of voters who say that fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget ranks among their top concerns. I am confident that this concern extends beyond Medicine Lake and Plymouth, to voters all across Minnesota.

It is time to move beyond partisanship. We need a willingness to take a long-range, strategic and comprehensive approach to budgeting. One-prong, simplistic approaches make for good sound bites but are having a devastating effect on our State. We cannot cut our way, tax our way—or borrow our way—out of this predicament.

I ask that there be no more postponing in addressing this matter. As a candidate, I do not have the resources and staff afforded to you as governor to develop a comprehensive and fiscally responsible budget. Please use the resources given to your office by the citizens of Minnesota to provide some real, long-term solutions to this fiscal crisis.


Audrey Britton
Candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives (43A), Plymouth and Medicine Lake
(612) 807-0311

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Life, liberty ....

I love this Country as much, maybe more than most. I fully understand the struggle that so many have gone through to make this the best place on the planet! But, I will also admit that We still have some work to do. Only when there is true Equality Under the Law, only when all men truly are created EQUAL will we live up to our true potential.

Friday, July 2, 2010


This is a story that has been on my mind for three months now. I grew up in this small town. I will be the first to admit that my memories of my time there are mixed. It was a very small, comfortable, cozy place to grow up - at least until I was grown up enough to pay attention to what was going on around me and form my own opinion. As a small kid there was a big sense of community and trust. You really were not in fear of anything. You never worried about things that those in the "big city" did. As I grew older it was apparent that because my last name was not one of "those" last names or because my family was not in the right income bracket or the fact that I was being raised by a single mother -I would have to work a little harder to be a part of the "in" crowd. Please don't get me wrong, for a time I felt like there was no better place on the planet and the town was filled with the most caring, loving people in the world. Even after I was treated horribly by people I thought I could trust I still felt like there was no place I would have rather grown up. I won't go into the situation that caused me to move away from this town, get my own apartment and finish school (when I was in the 10th grade). It was one of the most heart wrenching experiences of my life. But it taught me many valuable lessons about honesty, trust, friendship and standing up for what you know is right- even if it means standing alone!

I learned a long time ago that people in this small can be some of the most caring people but also they are very judgemental of those that are not in there little "click" Di spite this and my experience the town of Malvern and it's people still held a very special place in my heart. My grandmother con tinted to live there after I moved and I visited her often. I also kept up on what was going on in town by getting the Malvern Leader! I had long ago gotten over my feelings of anger and bitterness toward the town and it's people. I had "reconnected" with a few former classmates, friends and all my "bad" times seemed to be replaced with fondness for the small town values and sense of community that I thought we all learned growing up in Malvern.

But then....

I got the news about this "sex abuse" case came out. I can not begin to explain the pure shock and disbelief I felt when I was first told about it. I had a lot of respect for Karl Hertz. He had buried the grandparents I loved and many, many relatives. I work in the area of Criminal Law, so hearing things like this this case do not shock me. What shocked me was that a person like Karl could be responsible for doing such a thing. That my little safe, loving, cozy hometown could have someone so evil. And not just ONE person but at least another. Then after the story broke there were people commenting that Karl was such a great guy, that he did so much for the community. To read those comments was to take me back to my time in Malvern when I did nothing wrong but was accused of crap and not many were willing to stand with me. I knew I had done nothing wrong despite all the false accusations against me. I suffered for months with name calling, stupid pranks and things being thrown at my house. I also quickly learned how rumors can take on a life of their own and how some with a "name" could get away with just about anything. So, when I first heard the news of this case I was not one to rush to judgment. But as I heard more it was clear to me that something was seriously wrong in the little "Norman Rockwell" town I grew up in. For people to simply dismiss the accusations by the young men simply because Karl "did so many good things for the community" Made me sick. Then I learned that apparently several people have known about this behavior for years but did nothing! To me, that was the most shocking. That people could simply look the other way and let there be other victims because it was "Karl Hertz" was just plain disgusting to me! Some even wanted to blame the victims saying they were just looking for money. Well, if you look at how some reacted even AFTER Karl killed himself, is it any wonder they did not come forward sooner??

I wrote the above a few nights ago. My intent was to continue with my thoughts about this story. But I am really just very conflicted to be able to put into words how I feel not just about this story but the small town that it seems allowed this to happen. The small town that taught me so much about people. I really have some very strong feelings -good and bad about this story and the people in Malvern. But, On Friday night I met a young man at a bar. He was 25 years old. He works for an organization that helps feed starving kids around the world. Talking to him really made me think about just what is important in life. Talking with him also reminded me of the guy I met in DC a few weeks ago. He told me the story of how he needed kidney and his partner was a match. So, his partner gave him a kidney. He told me how much "red tape" they had to go through. Because they can not be married and such they had to do all kinds of paper work just to be sure that if something happened during the operation the other would be able to visit etc. He told me that going through that experience prompted him to go work for a US Congressman and his partner to go to law school - all to work toward changing the law so that other do not have to experience the same thing. On that same trip I met two young men that were serving in the Military. They had been together for 4 years. They met while on duty in Iraq. Two men who answered the call to service in the name of our country, yet they had to hide their relationship. To them Don't Ask Don't tell is not some abstract policy that is debated by both political parities for political gain but a policy that means that if one of them is killed in action, the will not notify the other, a policy that means if the military finds out they are gay could discharge them, a policy that does not provide housing and a dozen other benefits for the "spouse" of the other. I also met two women who were living in South Carolina that were raising two of the most adorable kids. You might be asking what the hell does any of this have to do with the "sex scandal" in Malvern. Well, meeting these people and hearing their stories has helped serve as a reminder to me that there really are much more important things in the world than the opinion of small mined people in my hometown. I am not in any way trying to down play the seriousness of the charges in this case. Nor am I trying to say that what the victims suffered is not horrible. I am simply saying that I am not going to let the attitude of some people in that small town consume me with anger or hate. I learned a long time ago that most in that small town are more concerned about "appearance" than anything else. They will say one thing to your face and another behind your back. They will pretend to be your friend until it no longer will help them advance their agenda etc. I have experienced this first hand. My experience with the people in Malvern helped shape the rest of my life and I can truly say I am better for it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

More on DADT

I can not begin to tell you how upset I am becoming with President Obama and Congress for not getting this reapeal done already. When running for President Mr. Obama said the only thing lacking on this issue was leadership and he would provide that leadership on day ONE and get it done. Well, we are long past day one and many men and women are putting their life on the line for all of us and yet living under this crazy policy. The only federal law that requires a person be discriminated against.

I have personally talked with both my US Senators as well as 3 of the House members. Each told me they were in favor of repealing the law.

Lets just get it done!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ricky Martin is GAY???

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.

Those words above were from a quote by Ricky Martin on his website.

When I first saw the headline I will admit I sort of laughed about it. But then I read the statement on his website. It really made me think about the struggle I had years ago coming out to my best friend. It was not an easy decision at all. Sometimes you might think a person already knows -but you can never be sure!

To take that first step, to tell someone you trust, respect and love is giant step and not something that is done easily. The first person I ever came out to was my best friend Chris. Chris was a friend that I really enjoyed spending time with, that I had grown close to -I had also grown close to his family and had come to love them like my own family. I had so much respect for his father. To me, they were the "perfect family" that I never really had growing up. His parents, he and his brother were all so close. They talked, laughed and even sat and had dinner together. His family was also very, very good to me. At a time when I was out on my own- a Jr. in High school, working 2 full time jobs, in my own apartment -just trying to make it- they reached out to me and took me in as one of their own. I would end up spending a lot of time at their house- eating dinner, playing basketball, or watching the news with Chris and his dad. They even asked me to move in with them - and I really wanted to. But for a few reasons (mostly other family not wanting me to) I didn't. Over the next few years I will still spend a lot of time with Chris and his family. I would go on vacation to MO with them, go to the sand pit, spend holidays with them or the thing I loved most - Just spending time at their house -watching the news (and talking news/politics with his dad)

Then as I started to come to the realization that I was gay - I started to spend time away from the city I was living in. I would drive 4 hours away to go to a "gay" bar or to meet other "gay guys". At that point Chris and his family had become so much a part of my daily life that it became hard for me to explain to them where I was, what I was doing etc. So for me the best thing was to just spend less time with him/them so that I did not have to lie to them.

Eventually, I decided that I could not keep lying to Chris any longer. One night we were doing what we so often did - ride around town all night long in my truck. I remember wanting to finally tell him -but again not so sure it was the right thing to do. I was worried about his reaction, his fathers reaction. I had never spoken those words to anyone (not even myself). But finally after hours of riding around I told Chris I had a problem I needed to tell him about and I was not sure how he was going to take the news. He said "Brad you can tell me anything" I then told him, "well this is kind of a big problem, I have never told anyone about this" He then asked if I was having family problems, or problems with money. I assured him that this was a "different kind of problem" Finally, I just told him. And I WILL NEVER FORGET HIS REACTION. The first thing he said was "well, first you need to stop calling it a problem - because it is not" He then gave me a hug. I can tell you, without hesitation, that night, that conversation changed my life. Chis and his family meant so much to me -more than my own family- that I could have cared less if anyone else had 'rejected me' Chris was the only person in my life that I really wanted to remain in my life forever. The fact that he was 'ok' with it meant the world to me.

I really don't know how things would have turned out had Chis not been the great guy (and raised by such great parents) that he was that night. I can tell you that when I later came out to my parents I told them that I didn't really care what their reaction was - that I had told the person that meant the most to me already -and so there reaction didn't mean as much.

The night I came out to Chris he told me that his brother and his parents loved me like family and that they too would be "ok' with it. However, I was just not ready to take that next step. I asked him not to tell anyone. It was several years later when one night at home my phone rang -I answered it and it was Chris's dad on the other end. I had not spoken to him in awhile (or just had brief conversations with him). Lee was a very upfront person so he came right out and said it...."Brad, I don't want you to be mad at Chris -but tonight I asked him why you stopped coming around so much. And he told me what you had told him and I want you to know that I love you like you were my own son, and I don't give a damn if your gay" I had both a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. He then said "I only feel bad that you felt like you could not tell me" It really is hard for me to explain the love and respect I had for Lee. He was this great loving family guy - but also this tough viet nam vet - whose politics I was not sure agreed with mine. The fact that I can still recall what I was doing when I got that phone call from him -all those years ago -and exactly what he said should tell you how much it meant to me.

Chris and his family treated me the same after I came out to them as they did before -with the love and respect.

There is so much more I could say about Chris and his family (and some day when I write my book I will) but for now I just want to tell Chris -thanks and I love you. From the time I met him at that crazy summer camp there has been no better friend in the world.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dan Choi and Don't Ask Don't Tell

In case you missed it - last week Lt. Dan Choi chained himself to the fence at the White House and was arrested. Apparently this followed a planned event with Kathy Griffin and HRC at a nearby park. Lt. Dan Choi was not asked to be apart of that event. Kathy Griffin allowed him to speak. He then invited everyone to match with him to the White House -both the president of HRC and Kathy said they would march ...but did not.

Lt. Choi later (after being released from jail) blasted HRC. I could not agree with him more!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stupid Bitch!

I have never heard of this stupid singer from Mexico. I guess maybe I should not be shocked that people still think and say these things. Perhaps she should speak to those kids that have been adopted and raised my same-sex couples...

Not only did the singer say gay adoption was "not in my taste," she said she'd prefer a child die on the streets rather than be adopted by two adults of the same sex.

"It's better that the child die instead of that life for the little creatures," the singer said in response to a reporter's either-or hypothetical. Watch the clip, with English subtitles, at YouTube.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Prop 8.

This is a great conversation on the Federal case challenging Prop 8. The arguments these two men make gives me great hope for the chances of marriage equality in the Supreme Court.

It is very much worth the time to watch....


Friday, March 12, 2010

This should be CRIMINAL

This is unreal to me. How shameless are these people. I paid for these plates. I sure the hell did not spend the extra money to pay for some Political hack of the Gov.! To say that the money is going to go to the troops but then use it to pay the salary of someone in the Gov's office should be Criminal. What is any different than when some business person misappropriate funds! I can not begin to tell you how pissed off I am about this.......

When Minnesota motorists paid out $30 apiece for "Support Our Troops" license plates, it's a good bet they had no idea they were supporting Lee Buckley, a political appointee of Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

Last year $30,000 from the license-plate fund was used to pay a portion of Buckley's salary. Buckley worked in Pawlenty's office as a $92,000 a year special adviser on faith and community services.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gay Marriage comes to the Nation's Capital

Tomorrow the city of Washington, D.C. will begin allowing same-sex couples to apply for a marriage license. For some reason as I thought about this tonight the video below came to mind. I remember standing there at that concert and the feeling I had hearing the story of Ms. Anderson and then seeing the Gay Mens chours preform. To now think that two gay men can now stand on those same steps and exchange vows and get married is amazing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gay Marriage in Minnesota ???

Several things struck me when I read this article tonight. First, I was surprised to first read it on a "national news" website. I had seen nothing on the local news or on the Startribune website. Then when I read the article was taken aback from the comments by Barb Davis White (who I guess is running for congress in MN 5th district) She was quoted as saying....

“Rosa Parks didn’t move to the front of the bus to support sodomy,”

Just what the hell did she mean by that?

I also think that the proposal by Ryan Winkler of Golden Valley that would recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states as legally valid in Minnesota -is a great first step.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where are the Democrats??

So, Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Bush's Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Bush's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mullen. But yet we can not hear from the Democrats on how/when we are going to reapeal this ....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fuck the Political Risk...

Can we just do something because it is the RIGHT THING TO Do and not have to be worried about fucking political risk? We need to just Repeal DADT NOW and move on. Hell even Dick Cheney is in favor for god sake!

The liberal think tank argued that repealing the "don’t ask, don’t tell policy" would not divide the country politically the way it did during the mid-1990s. “It’s not a polarizing issue,” said Stan Greenberg, the chairman and CEO of the polling firm Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research, which conducted the poll for CAP.

The study of likely voters found that 68 percent of Democrats and 41 percent of Republican support overturning the ban. Plus 56 percent of voters in the most contested Senate and House races back a change.

By a 2-to-1 margin, voters said that in a time of war it was important to include every possible person in the military, whether or not they are gay. In contrast, fewer voters expressed support for holding back a change because it might affect morale. “Voters do think this is a national security issue and think that the military will be stronger” by including gays, Greenberg said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0210/33092.html#ixzz0fr12z04L

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A straight 23 year

I have posted many times about DADT as well as how I feel about HRC (Human Rights Campaign) I have also expressed my frustration with Obama and Congress. Several blogs are encouraging people to contact HRC and tell them to put pressure on Obama to end DADT THIS YEAR. On on of the blogs (americablog gay) a 23 year old Straight soon to be military member posted a comment. It is so good I am posting his entire comment.

This is a great campaign you guys are running here. For what it's worth, here's the message I sent to HRC (I never get involved in these sorts of campaigns, but DADT really just pisses me off more than anything else.):

I am a 23 year old straight man. I have enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and this May I will begin my four years of active duty service. When I enlisted, I was extremely proud to stand at attention in front of a flag and a commissioned officer and swear an oath to defend the nation. But before I did that, I was forced to sign some paperwork saying essentially "We won't ask you if you're a homosexual, but if we find out that you are or if you engage in homosexual activity, we'll kick you out because that stuff is gross." It was one of the more disgusting, degrading, ignorant, backwards, and insulting statements I've ever had to sign my name to, and I'm not even gay!

Now I realize that I'm probably preaching to the choir on this issue, but you guys are supposed to be the biggest and most powerful groups supporting the rights of gays and lesbians, and it seems to me that you haven't done much to really try to change it. I know that Congress will have to pass DADT repeal since that has been codified into law, and I know that Congressional Democrats in both houses will not move on the issue unless they know that the president wants them to move aggressively. And I know that the president doesn't want to upset the Pentagon, which is admirable, but I also know that every single person in the Pentagon has "President of the United States - The Honorable Barack Obama" at the very tip-top of their chain of command. So it seems to me that President Obama is the most important in the entire nation when it comes to setting policy for the military, and that includes the repeal or continuation of DADT. And unless he receives pressure from advocacy groups, he ain't gonna stick his neck out for you guys.

As I said, I'm not gay. If my sexual orientation gets outed, I am in absolutely no danger of a discharge. I can continue to serve, whether or not everyone knows what gender gets my rocks off. I have that luxury. Gays and lesbians don't, and that is an embarrassment. There is a clear path to fixing that. We have the Commander in Chief we need. We have the Congress we need. We have the military leaders we need. We have the public opinion we need. The wind is at our backs, and the time is now. It is time for you to stand up and demand action from the president who owes his presidency to groups like yours. It's a singular moment where all the factors are aligned, and your leadership is acutely missed.


I have not really posted much here about what I do for work. I am an Criminal Defense Investigator and work for the Public Defender's Office. Today the
Legislative Auditor came out with a report about the Public Defender System in Minnesota. Among other things they found

"Those we interviewed and surveyed agreed that public defenders were, on the whole, excellent criminal defense attorneys,'' the evaluation said. "However, stakeholders also reported that workloads were having a noticeable impact on public defenders' ability to adequately and ethically represent their clients.''


the entire report here..


I will have more on this topic later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And people wonder why the "older generation" views gays the way the do..

This is a good article and an AMAZING video. Of course I was not around in 1967 when the program aired on 60 minutes but it is scary to think that a program like this would air on network tv. I would also guess that many people trusted 60 minutes. For some of that generation this might be where some of there views on 'gays' came from.

I really think you owe it to yourself to find the 45 min or so and watch the video It might help to understand why some have the view of gays that they do.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Again Iowa Voters understand....

It seems the people of Iowa feel like there are more important things then to try to now take away the rights of same sex couples to get married.

More than 60 percent of Iowans surveyed in the latest Des Moines Register Iowa Poll say lawmakers have more important things to worry about than same-sex marriage.

The poll, with a margin of error of 3.5 percent, found Iowans are more interested in a ban on text messaging while driving than on overturning the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision last April legalizing gay marriage.
I don't know who Jay is - but I came across this video and thought it was a great example of how we can change peoples hearts/minds. One person at a time. I does not happen by yelling, screaming or sometimes even huge protests but one on one telling a story in a way the person can understand

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have been home sick for the past four days. There is only so much TV I can watch. Tonight I started looking up old songs on youtube. I have long been a big fan of Country Music. Some of (ok most) of my friends give me a hard time about it. I am not sure if it is because it is what I grew up on or if it really is the simple, genuineness of the songs that I like. The songs always tell a story. Many of the older songs take me back to when I was a kid and heard them for the fist time. Some were on an 8 track tape. Yes, I remember 8 tracks and records. We use to have a big stereo in our house that was as big as our couch! I still like today's country but there is nothing better than the country music of yesterday. Conway, George Jones, Barbara etc.

To me this man was one of the best....

Just Because.....

...I like this song!

A joke??

Great just what we need...some jackass playing jokes at the airport!!

PHILADELPHIA — A college student returning to school after the winter break fell victim to a prank at Philadelphia's airport by a Transportation Security Administration worker who pretended to plant a plastic bag of white powder in her carryon luggage.

The worker is no longer employed by the TSA after the incident this month, a spokeswoman said.

Rebecca Solomon, 22, a University of Michigan student, wrote in a column for her campus newspaper that she was having her bags screened on Jan. 5 before her flight to Detroit when the employee stopped her, reached into her laptop computer bag and pulled out the plastic bag, demanding to know where she had gotten the powder.

In the Jan. 10 column for The Michigan Daily, she recounted how she struggled to come up with an explanation, wondering if it was bomb-detonating material slipped in by a terrorist or drugs put there by a smuggler.

"He let me stutter through an explanation for the longest minute of my life," Solomon wrote. "Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with him to understand that I'd never seen this baggie before."

A short time later, she said, the worker smiled and said it was his.

The worker "waved the baggie at me and told me he was kidding, that I should've seen the look on my face," she said.

Solomon said she asked to speak to a supervisor and filled out a complaint, and during that process was told that the man was training TSA workers to detect contraband. Two days later, she said, she was told he had been disciplined.

Captain America

As a kid I never really got into comics. I hardly even watched cartoons on Saturday morning. The only cartoons I can remember watching are Smurfs and Justice League. Not sure why but those were the only two that I watched. As a kid I do remember watching the TV show Captain America. I even had a little bath mat that had Captain America riding a motorcycle! As I got older a lot of my friends started to tease me about all the "America, red/white/blue" stuff that I had in my apartment and office. I am not sure just who it was that first called me "Captain America" but it seemed to kind of stick and fit. I guess I always like what Cap stood for. But then I read this and it made me like him even more!
Not all comic references to gays in the past were hostile. References to gay characters in the early '80's in mainstream comics (Marvel and DC) were practically nonexistent. The publishers were timid, the Comics Code was a weak but present barrier, and the medium was still focused on children, by and large. But despite this, It turns out Captain America had a gay friend.

His was Arnie Roth, a fellow WWII vet and childhood friend of Cap's. Roth had a 'roommate' named Michael, and the point was driven home that the two were lovers. At no time was Roth reduced to a stereotype. At one point, none other than the Red Skull - a Nazi of the blackest dye - captures and mocks Roth for his homosexuality. Cap's response:

"You're as good and decent a man as I’ve ever known! They can’t corrupt your love for Michael with their lies…They’re the pariahs! They’re the disease!”

This makes sense; while Captain America started out as an anti-Nazi trope in the '40's and headhunted Communists in the '50's, by the '70's, Marvel turned him into a broadly left-wing patriot who would still kick ass. He had reservations about Vietnam and partnered with a black superhero. This has been the case ever since. After 9/11 he emphasized not taking out American rage on all Muslims indiscriminately. And then kicked ass.

I'm straight. But with all the crap and lies that gets served up to kids in entertainment, it got my attention at age ten. After all, if the guy who punched out Hitler had no problem with gays, who was I to argue?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More on the prop 8 trial

If you watch the videos of the two witnesses it is easy to understand why those in support of Prop 8 did not call them as witnesses in the trial. It is also now easier to understand why they did not want any cameras in the court room.

Thanks to Ted Olson and his team for posting the videos of the deposition.
From Independant Gay Forum...
Two things at the Prop. 8 trial today surprised me.

I did not expect to be able to actually see deposition testimony by Prop. 8 witnesses who would not be testifying in court, but the Olson/Boies team has posted videos, and there is no doubt why the defense did not want these two witnesses on the stand.

It is not because Dr. Kathryn Young and Dr. Paul Nathanson seem shy or afraid of anything. Instead, they appear to be forthright, well-informed, and engaged in the questioning.
To be fair, these tapes include only those parts of their depositions where they do say positive things. But their honest and unambiguous statements are devastating to the parties that called them into this case. Yes, homosexuality is just a normal variant on human sexuality. Yes, reputable studies clearly conclude there is no reason to predict harm when children are raised by same-sex couples. Yes, homosexuals, like heterosexuals, want to marry for reasons of stability and commitment. Yes, single lesbians and gay men raise fine and healthy children, and marriage would reinforce that.

The biggest surprise to me is that David Boies does not have to bully or trick them into saying these things on the record. That speaks well of the witnesses, and their view of professional ethics – or at least honesty.

But that’s why they had to be hidden from view. Even without seeing the rest of their testimony (which is presumably the reason they were called by the other side, not ours), there is no doubt that they would have helped our case, as much as, and maybe more than our own witnesses.

He might be on to something

I have done exactly what this person describes - however I have done so because this President and this Congress -with a solid majority for the Dems have failed to do anything. They were so hung up on having 60 votes in the Senate (but even then could do NOTHING) Lets remember that GW Bush did not have the majority that the Dems have and he did whatever the hell he wanted. The Dems risk more results like Massachusetts unless they start leading on the issues they promised those that voted for them.

From The daily dish...

I'm a 24 year old Massachusetts resident. I plugged my nose and I voted for Martha Coakley. But that's all I did. In the months leading up to Barack Obama's historic win, I made phone calls, I drove up to New Hampshire and I walked door to door in support of a candidate who I knew could finally bring up positive change in this country. But I, like many young voters checked out after that.

Even though I knew the work had only just begun, I got complacent. I didn't even vote in the Massachusetts' primary. I stopped making phone calls, I stopped e-mailing friends and family and I stopped making my opinion heard. For me, it was enough to simply post a link on Facebook to one of your blog entries.

The Scott Brown win was enough to wake me up and I hope it was enough to wake up the millions of young Obama supports across the nation who have gotten lazy in the last year. Give up now? Are you kidding me? Now is the time to get fired up. Now is the time to write letters, make phone calls, and send e-mail. If we can get a skinny black guy with a middle name of Hussein elected, we can overcome an upset in Massachusetts.

Focus on the family -buys superbowl ad

read this in the Denver Post

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Focus on the Family plans to air a 30-second television ad during the Super Bowl Feb. 7 featuring Florida quarterback and 2007 Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow.
The Colorado Springs-based ministry describes the ad airing before and during the game as "life- and family affirming." Focus spokesman Gary Schneeberger said Friday the spot was filmed Tuesday in Orlando with Tebow and his mother, Pam.

While declining donations has forced the ministry to cut 275 jobs in recent years, Schneeberger says many donors gave specifically for the project. Schneeberger declined to say how much the project cost. TNS Media Intelligence estimates a 30-second slot that will reach an estimated 100 million views costs between $2.5 million and $2.8 million

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Dems should speak out on this

“Oh, I can’t get in trouble here,” Newsom said with a playful wince. “I want him to succeed. But I am very upset by what he’s not done in terms of rights of gays and lesbians. I understand it tactically in a campaign, but at this point I don’t know. There is some belief that he actually doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage. But it’s fundamentally inexcusable for a member of the Democratic Party to stand on the principle that separate is now equal, but only on the basis of sexual orientation. We’ve always fought for the rights of minorities and against the whims of majorities.”

He said the promise of Obama sparking an “organic movement” has faded and “there’s a growing discontent and lack of enthusiasm that I worry about. He should just stand on principle, put this behind him and move on.”

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Looks like Gay Marriage will come to DC....

WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge in Washington, D.C., has thrown out a lawsuit by opponents of gay marriage against the city's elections board.

Plaintiffs led by a Maryland pastor, Bishop Harry Jackson, sued after the Board of Elections and Ethics refused to put their initiative on the ballot. The measure would have defined marriage as between a man and a woman. The board ruled it violated the city's Human Rights Act.

D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith N. Macaluso ruled Thursday in favor of the city. She said the board's action was justified because the initiative would in effect authorize discrimination.

The District of Columbia passed a bill in December that would let same-sex couples marry. Because the city is a federal district, the law is pending a period of review by Congress.

for those so inclined..the link to the decision is..

DADT....will it happen...or won't it...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well, they do have a point.

This article is very much worth reading (I know I say that a lot )

click the title for the link

Gays vs. Democratic Party

It's about damn time that we stop giving money and support to those that are clearly comfortable accepting it while at the same time giving us empty promises. Enough if Enough. 'We' helped get this president and this Democratic congress elected. Along the way we were given promises to end DADT, DOMA and pass ENDA etc. But not only have they not done a DAMN thing on any of this they can't seem to lift a finger or open their mouth so support very important issues in the states of New York, Maine, NJ. Also, when Iowa, NH, VT passed laws to allow gay marriage this President was Silent! The let pass a very important opportunity to move the debate on this issue around the country in a positive direction.

I have long been a strong supporter of the Democratic party. I have given countless hours knocking on doors, making phone calls as well and lots of discussion with friends to get them out to vote. I have served as a state delegate and been on the platform committee, and the central committee. In the past 10 months or so I have replied to every request for money, for me to make phone calls or write letter in support of this or that with...NO, I will no longer support any other cause of this White House /Congress (health care, stimulus money etc) until there is movement on the issues this President promised the "gay community"

(you can click the title to get the article in Advocate)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maybe we will finally get this done!

I have said for almost a year now that we should tell this President AND this Congress that we want ACTION on DADT. We are tired of speeches and promises. This President said in the campaign that DADT was wrong and he would repeal it. Well, what the hell is he waiting for and why the hell are more people that took this President at his word letting him off the hook on this! We are not asking for anything more than for this President to KEEP HIS PROMISE...not tomorrow, not next month, and sure the hell not next term..but NOW. Many brave men and women who are at this very hour fighting in the name of America need to know that they are respected for who they are. They should not be forced to hide!

Congressional negotiators and White House officials are moving forward with plans to add the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell to the upcoming defense authorization bill, Democratic sources tell the Huffington Post.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Tonight I got a call from my former partner that his dog -Jeni - had died. She was a great dog and with my ex-partner for 14 years. I always enjoyed snuggling up on the couch with her or riding in the car with her. We had some real good times together. I have pictures of her on my other computer and will post them here later..

Opening statement

Today the Case for gay marriage began in Federal Court in CA. The trial was suppose to be broadcast on you tube but those supporting Prop 8 sought relief in the Supreme Court to prevent it. The Supreme Court then blocked the broadcasting of the trial until at least Wed.

Regardless, the opening statement is very much worth reading. I can't wait to hear or read more about the trial. The website for American Foundation for Equal Rights was giving updates from the trial all day and assume they will do same during the rest of the trial.

The plaintiffs are two loving couples, American citizens, entitled to equality and due process under our Constitution. They are in deeply committed, intimate, and longstanding relationships. They want to marry the person they love; to enter into that “most important relation in life”; to share their dreams with their partners; and to confer the many benefits of marriage on their families.

But Proposition 8 singled out gay men and lesbians as a class, swept away their right to marry, pronounced them unequal, and declared their relationships inferior and less-deserving of respect and dignity.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Jersey votes NO

I love the quote below that I stole from Facebook.

Hey cowardly NJ Democrats who voted no or abstained on SSM...your local LGBT ATM is now officially closed. Your PIN number will no longer work. Your card will be declined & will be hopefully confiscated as a fraud alert.

Very well stated...

Ted Olson, the same Ted Olson that represented G.W. Bush in Bush v. Gore states why he took the case against CA prop 8. His article is very well worth reading. He makes the case as good as anyone I have heard. I think it is even more compelling because it comes from a Conservative, who worked in the Admn. of two Rep. Presidents. Perhaps it is a sign of things to come and maybe not. But either way I do believe that because of who is making the case some that would otherwise dismiss it might just pay attention. And perhaps even change some minds.

No matter what you think of homosexuality, it is a fact that gays and lesbians are members of our families, clubs, and workplaces. They are our doctors, our teachers, our soldiers (whether we admit it or not), and our friends. They yearn for acceptance, stable relationships, and success in their lives, just like the rest of us.

I understand, but reject, certain religious teachings that denounce homosexuality as morally wrong, illegitimate, or unnatural; and I take strong exception to those who argue that same-sex relationships should be discouraged by society and law. Science has taught us, even if history has not, that gays and lesbians do not choose to be homosexual any more than the rest of us choose to be heterosexual. To a very large extent, these characteristics are immutable, like being left-handed. And, while our Constitution guarantees the freedom to exercise our individual religious convictions, it equally prohibits us from forcing our beliefs on others. I do not believe that our society can ever live up to the promise of equality, and the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, until we stop invidious discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A bunch of sheep..

I love that they can raise this kind of money for themselves!.....

Evangelical pastor Rick Warren's plea for donations to fill a $900,000 deficit at his Southern California megachurch brought in $2.4 million, Warren announced to cheers during a sermon at the church on Saturday.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A great way to start 2010 and I hope a sign of more to come...

Kris Alingod - AHN Contributor

Concord, New Hampshire, United States (AHN) - Gay advocates in the Granite State ushered in the new year with weddings at the state Capitol on Friday, when New Hampshire's same-sex marriage law took effect.

The Freedom to Marry Coalition and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation led celebrations in Concord on New Year's Eve, counting down the minutes until the state performed its first gay marriages just after midnight.

New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch signed a same-sex marriage bill into law early June despite his opposition to gay marriages and only after state lawmakers had complied with his requirement to include provisions in the legislation protecting religious institutions. The state Senate had voted 14-10 and the state House 198-176 to pass the measure.

Read more: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7017404928#ixzz0bQ5PMKE4