Wednesday, June 17, 2009

David Biespiel, Poet and writer, Attic Writers Workshop:
It'll be a good day, too, when President Obama adopts former Vice President Cheney's position on universal equality for marriage

Like the romanticized Japanese fighters crawling out their caves long after World War II ended, like American and Soviet spies coming in out of the cold like a blink when the Cold War ended, many die-hard American culture warriors are finding that the culture has moved on. It'll be a good day, too, when President Obama adopts former Vice President Cheney's position on universal equality for marriage.

Peter Fenn, Democratic media consultant:
The train has left the station

Yes...when Dick Cheney supports same sex marriage you know that the train has left the station. Look how fast that train is moving legally and culturally towards equality and greater tolerance!

Andres Martinez, Director, Bernard L. Schwartz Fellows Program, New America Foundation:
What took Uncle Sam so long?

The only sensible reaction to this news is: What took Uncle Sam so long? The federal government, as an employer, should always set an example with enlightened, non-discriminatory practices. It is embarrassing that the government in this case has lagged behind corporate America. Plenty of large companies have long realized that passing judgment on whom their employees choose to make their life partners is not only discriminatory, but a terrible strategy for attracting and retaining a talented workforce.

Bradley A. Blakeman, Republican strategist, consultant, entrepreneur:
I am a conservative who believes strongly in the freedom of contract

Any person regardless of gender should be able to assign rights, beneficiaries, etc. Government should allow people the freedom and respect to stay out of their private lives. If contractual rights are available to one they should apply to all.

Victor Kamber, Carmen Group:
Absolutely, this is long overdue

It begins to fill President Obama's pledge to treat same-sex relationships as fully equal to all relationships in society, He should move quickly on 'don't ask don't tell' and any other provision that treats the gay community as second class citizens. I applaud President Obama just wished he would move even faster on these kinds of issues.

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