Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our obligation to investigate

I do think we need to know what took place and who allowed it to happen...
The rule of law is not just a lofty concept to which we should aspire only when convenient. It is a fundamental principal upon which our Republic was founded, and it is the foundation of our free society. I understand the desire to look forward and to forge a new path on high ground instead of on the low road of the past eight years. But to use the need to move on as a reason not to investigate basic human rights violations is unacceptable. Excusing individuals at the highest levels of government from adhering to the rule of law, whether in wartime or not, is a dangerous precedent, for it undercuts the principle of accountability which permeates representative democracy.

Social Issues becoming less of a "wedge issue" ?

I guess when people are worried about their health, their money, their jobs - they finally figure out that these other things are maybe not such a big deal ? ?
Most striking is the sharp shift in public opinion on same-sex marriage. Forty-nine percent said it should be legal for gay people to marry, and 46 percent said it should be illegal. About three years ago, a broad majority said such unions should be illegal (58 percent illegal to 36 percent legal).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have never really been a big fan of "hate crimes" ...meaning that I am not sure there should be a different crimes. But, if we are going to have Hate Crime Laws then Sexual orientation must be included and it is long past time for this bill to become law.

House passes hate crimes bill
Posted: 05:35 PM ET
WASHINGTON (CNN) – The House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday expanding federal protection against hate crimes to disability, gender, and
sexual orientation.

The bill, which was approved by a margin of 249-175, passed in a sharply-divided partisan vote. An overwhelming majority of Democrats supported the measure, while most Republicans were opposed.

The proposal, which now moves to the Senate for further consideration, is one of the most sensitive civil rights issues to come before the Congress in years. Currently, federal law covers only a person's race, religion, or national origin.

The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act would also expand federal protection against hate crimes to acts committed under any circumstance, as opposed to acts committed only when an individual is engaged in certain federally-designated activities, such as voting.

Known as the Matthew Shepard Act, the measure would allow the attorney general to issue grants to cities and states for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting hate crimes.

Shepard was a gay student at the University of Wyoming who died in 1998 after being attacked because of his sexual orientation.
I am not really sure how this blog thing is going to work or even if anyone really gives a shit. But I figure what the heck perhaps it will help me with my writing skills and give me a place to post a few of the things I read during the day.