Thursday, June 18, 2009

Press Corps Fixates On LGBT Concerns

I am glad someone is asking the if we could just get some Real Answers from Mr. Obama!

The Associated Press began by asking whether the Presidential Memo was “too little, too late. Can you talk about why people should see this as more than kind of an empty gesture or just a symbolic move on his part?”

Gibbs responded, “I think as you'll hear the President say later today, he believes this is a matter of fairness. The President is committed to ensuring that fairness, as well as working on and fulfilling other promises that he's made in the campaign around things like DOMA and "don't ask, don't tell."

Reporters also asked a number of questions of the Department of Justice’s decision to defend the Defense of Marriage Act.

Regardless of the fact that President Obama believes DOMA should be repealed, said Gibbs, “the Justice Department is charged with upholding the law of the land, even though the President believes that that law should be repealed.”

ABC’s Jake Tapper pressed further on the content of the Justice Department brief.

“But a lot of legal experts say that the brief didn't have to be as comprehensive and make all the arguments that it made, such as comparing same-sex unions to incestuous ones in one controversial paragraph that's upset a lot of the President's supporters,” he said. “Does the President stand by the content, the arguments made in that brief?

Gibbs responded, “Well, again, it's the President's Justice Department. And again, we have the role of upholding the law of the land while the President has stated and will work with Congress to change that law.”

When asked if the president had seen the brief before it was made public, Gibbs said he would “have to check on that.”

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